A book about Viktor Bout has been published in Russia

The book & laquo; Victor Booth. The true story of the “Gun Baron”” & raquo; released in Russia. It included previously unpublished documents and eyewitness accounts, as well as prison drawings of the Russian.

The author of the work is a journalist of the “Russian Newspaper” Alexander Gasyuk, who studied the biography of the hero, interviewed him, and also talked with the participants of the events and various experts. The book was published by AST.

Gasyuk himself claims that he became interested in Bout’s story back in 2012, when he first met him in an American prison, being the publication’s own correspondent in the United States.

“Over the following years, I collected any information about the entrepreneur and the true reasons for his arrest by the American authorities. Despite the abundance of various information in the media about the Russian, in fact, most of the information about Bout is fragmentary, contradictory and, often, unreliable. In addition, a huge number of myths and fakes have been created around this high-profile case in the West and in our country. In the book, which is in some ways a journalistic investigation, I tried to shed light on the true story of Victor Bout, ” the author of the book told. He is quoted by the “Russian Newspaper”.

Bout was arrested in Thailand at the request of the United States in 2008 and taken to this country. In 2012, a jury in New York found him guilty of conspiracy to murder American citizens and material support for terrorism. He was given the minimum sentence for the articles that he was charged with, 25 years in prison.to date, he has served more than half of this term. He pleads not guilty.

Earlier, the wife of the Russian reported that her husband began to have inflammation of the teeth. In turn, Bout’s mother appealed to the presidents of the Russian Federation and the United States, Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden, ahead of their meeting in Geneva, asking them to agree on the return of her son to Russia.

Источник aif.ru

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