Ministry of Health: regions will receive additional batches of the Sputnik Lite vaccine

The regions will be provided with additional volumes of the coronavirus vaccine “Sputnik Light”, Russian Health Minister Mikhail Murashko said during a working trip to the Ryazan region.

He noted that the Ministry of Health records a high demand for this drug. According to him, the vaccine is available.

“Additional volumes have been ordered, from next week we plan to start deliveries to the regions,” Murashko’s response leads TASS.

Earlier, the Ryazan Ministry of Health stated that the supply of this vaccine to the region had been carried out since July and was freely available. But in October, the demand for it increased, so it ended.

Previously, the well-known medical journal The Lancet published an article by the Gamalei Center on the safety of the Russian single-component vaccine. According to the results of the study, the Light satellite showed high security. In addition, the drug forms a strong immune response in both non-COVID-19 patients and those who have had an infection.


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