What did they do with witches in Russia?

Weekly magazine “Arguments and Facts” No. 5. The roles played by Leonid Kuravlev are relevant today 02/02/2022 The expert’s answer is 1 + –

–The so-called «vedic»processes in Russia were no less, – says Candidate of Historical Sciences Alexander Bayramov. – However, the fire rarely threatened our sorcerers. According to the laws of the Russian Kingdom, heretics, schismatics, blasphemers and those who had become desecrated who had converted from the right to Islam were subject to burning. The cases of sorcerers and witches were thoroughly sorted out, but often in the investigation process it turned out that there was either illegal medical activity, or the turnover of some “datura-grass”, i.e. banal drug traffic. The link was supposed to be for thisin the monastery. In an extreme case, batogi and hard labor. The article about the burning of warlocks appeared only in the Military Charter of Peter I in 1716. It was borrowed from the Swedish military laws. In the XVIII century. There are only three known burnings for witchcraft, corruption and intercourse with the devil. The last sentence on the burning of a Russian sorcerer was passed in 1762, but the fire was replaced by the Nerchinsk penal servitude to the convicted Andrei Kozitsyn.

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