What happens if you deceive the scribe?

A population census has been conducted in Russia since October 15. Scribes record answers from the words of respondents, they do not collect personal data. Citizens do not need to provide any documents and confirm their answers, the portal of public services says.

Do they check the reliability of respondents’ answers?

The questionnaires are depersonalized and the information is encrypted before entering the Rosstat data processing centers. Therefore, those who will process the respondents’ answers will not be able to identify a specific person by the answers and verify the accuracy of the data.

According to the deputy head of Rosstat Pavel Smelov, the census organizers take people at their word. But cases of deception are revealed one way or another. For example, there are girls who underestimate their age. There are also jokers who ascribe fantasy nationalities to themselves and call themselves trolls, goblins, elves, etc. But there are few such citizens, during the last census they were counted about a thousand. 

Head of Rosstat Pavel Malkov he stated that respondents can call themselves anything: orcs, hobbits, goblins or Pechenegs. But in the final report, after the census is completed, all these people are grouped into “Other answers to the question of nationality”.

The share of funny and paradoxical answers of citizens to the questions of the census forms fits into the statistical error and does not affect the overall results of the census, RBC quotes the statement of the press service of Rosstat.

What will happen if the deception is revealed?

Russian legislation does not provide for any liability for false information during the census.  

Is it possible not to answer some of the census questions?

If a person does not want to give truthful answers to certain questions for some reason, he does not need to deceive the copyist. According to Pavel Smelov, everyone has the right to refuse to answer certain questions.

Participation in the census is voluntary. You can completely refuse to participate in it, and there will be nothing for it.In this case, only two columns will be filled in the questionnaire: information about the person’s gender and age. Rosstat takes these data from administrative sources, Smelov said. During the 2010 census, the number of people who refused to answer questions and those who were not found at home by the census takers was about 5% on average in the country.


https://www.gosuslugi.ru /

https://www.rbc.ru /

https://www.kp.ru /

https://www.rbc.ru /

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