Who are the main centenarians among animals?

Weekly magazine “Arguments and Facts” No. 26. The terminator virus. How many times will he come back? 30/06/2021

The record holder among vertebrates is the Greenland polar shark. The analysis showed that her average age is 272 years. The researchers estimated the age of the largest shark (length 5 m) at 400 years. A giant turtle at the Kolkata Zoo has lived to be 256 years old. Bowhead whales, red sea urchins and Aleutian sea bass sometimes live for over 200 years. Feel good in 100–200 years of brocadekoi carp living in China (one such fish died at the age of 226 years). Killer whales, Asian elephants and macaws often reach 100 years of age. And representatives of one of the genera of jellyfish, having reached sexual maturity, settle on the bottom and turn into polyps, from which new jellyfish are formed. That is, we can say that in favorable conditions, these jellyfish are able to live indefinitely.

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