What support measures are put in place for the relatives of a combat veteran?

Russian legislation provides for social support measures for the families of deceased (deceased) combat veterans. They are specified in Article 21 of the Federal Law of 12.01.1995 N 5-FZ “On veterans”. 

Who are considered combat veterans?

Military personnel, as well as civilians who took part in battles, served military units, received an award or were wounded, can be recognized as veterans of military operations. Article 3 of the Federal Law “On Veterans” contains a list of persons who belong to veterans of military operations. The annex to the Federal Law also lists combat operations, for participation in which the status of a combat veteran is assigned.

Which relatives of combat veterans are entitled to support measures?

Social support measures are provided to disabled family members of a deceased (deceased) combat veteran who were dependent on him and receive a survivor’s pension.

Also, regardless of the state of working capacity, being dependent, receiving a pension or salary, social support measures are provided to his spouse (or spouse) under the following conditions:

1.She (or he) has not remarried;



2.2. Or with a minor child (children) 

2.3. Or with a child (children) over the age of 18, who became (became) disabled (disabled) before he (they) reached the age of 18

2.4. Or with a child (children) who has not reached the age of 23 and is studying (studying) in full-time educational institutions. 

What payments and benefits are due to relatives of combat veterans?

The above-mentioned persons are entitled to the following social support measures:

  • pension benefits;
  • advantage in joining housing, housing and construction, garage cooperatives, priority right to purchase garden land plots or garden land plots;
  • provision of housing for family members of deceased (deceased) combat veterans in need of better housing conditions;
  • medical care in medical organizations to which relatives were attached during the life of the deceased (deceased), as well as extraordinary provision of medical care within the framework of the program of state guarantees of free provision of medical care to citizens;
  • compensation of expenses for payment of residential premises and utilities;
  • preferential provision of vouchers to sanatorium-resort organizations (if there are medical indications);
  • priority admission to social service organizations providing social services in a stationary form, in a semi-stationary form, extraordinary service of the spouse by social service organizations providing social services in the form of social services at home.

On the basis of what payments and benefits are provided to relatives?

According to Article 28 of the Federal Law “On Veterans”, social support measures are assigned to relatives upon presentation of their certificate of a combat veteran. If a military man participated in battles and did not manage to get a veteran’s crust during his lifetime, then relatives can claim payments and benefits if they provide a document,confirming the fact of the death of a military man, as well as the fact of his participation in hostilities, operations, combat missions, performing tasks, works, ensuring combat operations or performing special tasks. 


http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_5490 /

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